Integrated Corridor Development
- The development strategy for the DMIC is based on the competitiveness of each of the DMIC states:
- Holistic approach adopted to identify High Impact/Market Driven Nodes along the DMIC
- Each Node will be self-sustained regions with world class infrastructure and enhanced connectivity to DFC,Ports,and HinterlandsC
- Market Driven Nodes are proposed to be in two categories:
- Investment Regions – Approx.200 sq km Area(Minimum)
- Industrial Areas – Approx.100 Sq km Area(Minimum)
- A total of 20 Nodes have been identified in consultation with State Governments:
- 7 Investment Regions
- 13 Industrial Areas
- Criteria for Selection of Investment Region:
- Each DMIC State to have atleast one node to spread economic benefit
- Proximity to major urban aglomerations
- Potential fo rDeveloping Greenfield Ports (or) Augmentation
- Availability of land parcels and established industrial base
- Criteria for Selection of Industrial Area:
- To take advantage of inherent strengths of specific locations
- Mineral Resources
- Agriculture
- Industrial development,and,
- Skilled Human Resource base
- To spread the benefits of the corridor the project will also seek to link Under-Developed Regions along the Corridor to Well Developed Regions
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